We get up and we start our day .. we’re totally focused on moving along in our walk of faith .. all is well .. we’re following the path we feel God has laid out before us .. and then .. “bam”  .. we’re faced with a dead end .. we were so sure this was the way ..  as it was laid out so perfectly .. haha .. in our minds ..  oh but friends .. this is when our faith kicks in .. and .. this is when .. we must keep moving forward in that faith .. trusting that He is making the way for us ..  that this is  just a little detour ..   staying mindful of this truth .. when we don’t see a way  .. we know .. He will make a way .. yes .. we  simply have to trust that as we head down the path before us .. understanding in not required ..  we must be patient and trust .. for God .. He knows what He’s doing .. and .. He has our best interest at heart .. no friends ..  we can’t see the end result .. but He does .. all those problems .. those heartaches .. and .. those delays .. all those things before us that are baffling ..  will one day be clear .. in the light of His unconditional and remarkable love .. so for now ..  we keep moving forward ..  we make informed decisions ..  we work diligently .. we stop debating .. for we .. are grateful for the blessings we receive .. as we are learning to trust God .. with our whole hearts and our whole minds .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

Trust in the LORD with all your heart .. and do not lean on your own understanding .. in all your ways acknowledge Him .. and He will make your paths straight”



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