Our life is full  of choices ..  this includes the ability to make a choice about how we think .. that’s right .. God’s Word simply tells us to set our mind on things above and not on earthly things ..  think about it  .. the fact that we are told to ..  “set our mind”  ..   means that we have the choice to choose the things that our mind should focus on ..  haha .. oh no .. this doesn’t mean negative thoughts won’t enter our mind .. because they will  .. if that were the case .. there would be no need for us to consciously choose to set our mind on Him and His ways .. bottom line .. our thoughts are totally determined by us .. so here we are .. armed with this knowledge and a firm commitment to exercise our mind .. we are ready to go .. each time a thought pops up that does not align with His Word .. we simply make the choice to through it to the way side .. and .. keep moving .. oh yes .. it’s not always easy as life can throw it’s punches .. however .. we must allow our mind to be renewed .. for it’s vital that we fight off the negativity that comes our way .. that’s why it’s so improta it’s when we don’t give up that we will find the fruit of this process .. we will find ourselves responding to the circumstances we face .. with strength .. faith .. and .. confidence ..  all because our mindset is renewed and becoming rooted in Him .. for when we learn His mindset .. we will naturally act more like Him as well .. and friends .. the greatest thing about all of this .. our transformation is happening on the inside .. deep in our spiritual core .. when we are frustrated .. we become able to speak the truth in love .. instead of falling into depression when we make a mistake .. we find grace within .. for we are loved and never alone .. God is with us .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period.

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