We’ve all been mean, and yes, we’ve all felt what it’s like when someone is mean to us.

It cuts deep into our souls making us feel inadequate, undeserving, and vulnerable – however, the key word here is “feel”.

Feelings – they only describe emotions.  Even though they seem to drive us at times, in reality they don’t control who we are. Only God establishes our identity, so yes, we must be in charge of our emotions, resisting hurt, anger, and other negative feelings resulting from people being mean to us.

We’ve all been made strong, and yes, we all want to be loved, and yes, we’re all going to get hurt.  Yet, the one thing we know is – before we lay our head down at night, we forgive, and yes, we give it away.

We give it to Him who truly loves us in spite of and not because of – it’s that simple, for yes, when we do this simple task  – we’ve won the battle over the hurt, and now, the next person can do the same.

I’m grateful this morning to be in the business of love, for yes, at the end of the day and all is behind us – love is what brings us through, and yes, it’s true  ..

We are loved by love Himself.  He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes .. love wins period

“Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you”  1 Peter 5:7

#lovewinsperiod  #minsetmatters  #kaetsarmy #lovelikeJesus  #stayawayfromhurt  #bekind #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole  #unspokenprayerrequest

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