Every one of us would like to have some small part .. in changing the world for the better .. we often pray for God to help us do so .. while .. totally underestimating the opportunities we have right in front of us .. that’s right .. friends .. we have the ability to transform our world .. one life at a time .. simply by choosing to be a conduit for Him .. in the course of our everyday routine .. whether it’s at the corner store .. or .. the corner cafe .. haha .. we have the ability to love and honor those we meet .. we have the ability to share and lift up those in need .. we have the ability to .. “act on” .. His love for us .. simply by .. loving those that cross our path .. for .. when He tells us to be .. “Imitators of Christ” .. it means one thing .. ‘to Love’ .. yep .. to simply .. love one another .. right where we are .. that’s right people .. “in spite of and never because of ” .. so .. we get up .. and .. we get our .. ‘love on’ .. for everyday .. is an awesome day .. to .. “shine His awesome light” .. for simply .. it’s true .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“In the same way .. let your good deeds shine out for all to see .. so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father”

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