My long time friend ..  Lenah ..  she has a favorite scripture  .. and . . haha .. I find myself borrowing it quite often .. it’s simply states as quoted below .. yes .. it’s all about trust .. simply because .. trust is an important part of this verse ..  however .. haha ..  there is another dimension to the verse .. that I .. have personally overlooked for a long time .. and .. I .. find it not always so easy to do  .. and .. that is .. “lean not on your own understanding” .. haha .. dang it .. and .. yep  .. blew right past that part .. oh yes .. these verses .. they are about .. sustainment ..  faith .. and ..  direction .. and friends ..  God .. Himself promises .. that if we trust in Him .. He will make our paths straight .. no ..  He never says that we will understand what’s going on .. haha .. and ..  He doesn’t even say .. He will give us what we want .. oh but friends ..  He does say ..  He will make our paths straight .. and .. that He is with us .. every step of the way .. so ..  just because we don’t necessarily understand what’s going on this very moment .. it doesn’t mean He has abandoned us .. for the truth is .. there are times when He reveals His answers to us right away .. and .. there are times .. we simply .. have to wait .. that’s right .. maybe even years ..  heck .. there are times when won’t get some answers  .. until we meet Him .. face to face .. haha .. then we won’t care ..  so .. with this understanding ..  there will be .. no more temper tantrums allowed .. and ..  no more trying to take back control of our lives .. for gratefully .. we know .. that we know .. that we know .. we have a .. loving .. gracious .. and .. forgiving Savior .. and friends .. when we are discouraged .. angry .. and .. ready .. to take control of our life .. this is when .. we most definitely need to cast our burdens upon Him .. trusting simply .. we may not understand the answer .. but .. we don’t really need to .. for .. we always have the comfort in knowing ..  He will sustain us .. and ..  He will never ever abandon us .. so .. the bottom line .. we just hang in there .. because friends ..  we’re simply ..  all in this together .. come on now .. let’s do this .. oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding .. in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight”


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