As I sit here on this still quiet Sunday morning .. talking to God .. while accessing His very presence .. simply through faith .. haha .. I can fully understand .. this is how we grow .. for friends .. it’s through our faith in Him .. and yes .. in these very moments .. that we begin to look at life differently .. haha .. we can even be joyful when facing the hard things that come our way .. simply because .. haha .. we know life has purpose .. for yes .. He’s constantly taking the many things we face .. and simply .. making something good out of them .. for the truth is .. our resources are never ending .. He just keeps pouring love into our heart and is so generous in His supply .. haha .. that we even have .. an overflowing love for other people .. for simply .. because His love is so real to us .. our thinking becomes transformed .. however .. haha .. it’s when we forget about these realities and concentrate on our own shortcomings .. and yes .. other symptoms of our smallness .. our troubles begin .. haha .. and friends .. none of us need more troubles .. so .. we simply .. move through our days while staying mindful of His awesome and enormous love .. for friends .. this is .. haha .. what brings on that perfect peace .. that peace that passes all understanding .. and yes .. makes us sing .. haha .. even if we can’t sing at all .. for yes sweet friends .. with every note we belt out He hears nothing but .. a beautifully sung melody .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live .. I will sing praise to my God while I have being”

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