Thanksgiving .. a day when many of us will spend time with  family and friends .. oh yes .. we’ll watch parades and football ..  we’ll eat the traditional meal that we grew up eating .. we’ll nap .. and then yes .. we’ll eat again .. haha .. so yes .. as we’re going into this day .. we’ll each stay mindful to remember that God’s Word teaches us .. that yes .. thankfulness should be a way of life .. although we know in the reality of things .. it’s very easy for discontentment .. murmuring .. complaining .. criticizing .. or  yes .. even bitterness to replace our “attitude of gratitude” ..  however ..  it’s when we learn to cultivate a thankful heart on a daily basis that we begin constantly speaking thankful words .. think about it .. when we stop to consider God’s unconditional love for us .. and yes .. just how much that love has been expressed in the awesome things He does .. it’s then .. we’ll naturally offer thanks and praise to Him .. the One .. who leads us and guides us with His gentle hand .. for yes sweet friends .. He does this every minute of every hour of every day .. if .. we choose to pay attention .. haha .. so yes .. as we enter into this glorious time of year .. be encouraged .. for the truth is .. when we begin each day with a spirit of thankfulness for His love and His mercy .. it’s then we’ll  find .. that yes .. giving thanks becomes our very nature .. and yes! .. that my friends is the makings for any day .. to yes ..  be an awesome day .. so again we can say .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Give thanks to the LORD .. for He is good! .. His faithful love endures forever”


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