Last night our family had the honor of hosting Kelsey Anna and Friends in the Tack Room at Arnett’s Gulfside Trail Rides ..  we took the room and transformed it into a “Listening Living Room”   .. as everybody snuggled up on couches surrounded by soft lights and  seating to watch these three ladies share with us their stories through song ..  I couldn’t help but marvel at the talent the three share .. however .. as I stood in the background and watched .. my eyes kept falling on Kelsey’s daddy .. all I could see was his eyes on his little girl up on that stage .. his eyes full of love and yes .. amazement for his sweet .. talented .. and .. witty  .. little girl .. now grown up into full woman .. you could see how proud he was and is .. to be her dad ..  my heart is full from this very thought .. so this morning .. as I reflect on last night’s love .. I am grateful for we have a Father .. our God .. who looks down on each of us each day .. just like Bobby looked up at Kelsey last night .. with a heart full of unconditional love .. no matter .. who we are .. where we are .. or .. what we’re doing .. we are loved and we have a Daddy that loves us beyond measure .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period

See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us .. that we would be called children of God ..  and such we are ..  for this reason the world does not know us .. because it did not know Him .. beloved .. now we are children of God .. and it has not appeared as yet what we will be ..we know that when He appears .. we will be like Him .. because we will see Him just as He is ..”


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