Simple truth to start our day .. Our God .. He’s never late to help us .. haha .. that’s right .. even when all hope appears to be dwindling down .. we can simply trust .. without a doubt .. whatever our situation is .. it’s not dead .. no way .. it’s being worked out .. right now .. this very moment .. in His remarkable timing .. for friends .. haha .. He already knows the outcome .. and yes .. we can trust .. as we go through the storms of life .. even in those dark and gloomy days .. that simply .. there’s an eternal purpose for our suffering .. haha .. and no .. we don’t have to sit around waiting for Him to show up .. for .. He’s already here .. we’re now .. simply waiting patiently .. for Him to reveal the perfection of His plan .. haha .. oh yes .. those struggles and trials we suffer are always an opportunity for Him to reveal His power to us .. and yes .. each time a painful situation brings us to our knees .. we can simply .. use that position to give Him the glory .. haha .. and yes sweet friends .. when we do this .. it totally frustrates the enemy .. for he wants to take us out .. however .. we’ll never let him convince us to surrender in the heat of the battle .. simply because .. we know that we know that we know .. we’re simply .. nowhere close to being defeated .. haha .. that’s right .. bottom line .. we’ve all been made more than conquerors through Christ .. and friends .. trust me .. He’s not about to let us fail .. He’ll bring us through .. we’ll rise back up .. and yes .. we’ll give Him all the glory .. for simply ..that’s the way it should always be .. haha .. that’s right .. simple truth to start our day .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Not only that .. but we also rejoice in our sufferings .. because we know that suffering produces perseverance .. perseverance .. character .. and character .. hope”

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