We all love to give .. it brings us great joy when we do  .. for .. to have a giving heart .. is a gift in itself .. straight from God above  .. you see .. we find minimal happiness when we pursue .. and .. have more .. stuff .. that’s right .. “stuff ” … it can never fill the void that comes from giving to those in need ..  especially .. when it’s straight from our heart .. and friends .. this simply .. does not always mean money .. this means to be able to give .. from .. where we are  .. within our own ability .. and .. we all have that ..  oh yes .. it’s good thing when we focus on giving to others  .. for .. it is then .. we become much more content with our own lives .. haha ..  and .. you can bet .. there’s nothing super spiritual about that  ..  it’s just down right reality .. so friends ..  we must never feel like we have nothing to give .. for giving of ourselves .. right where we are .. is where it’s at .. whether it’s our time .. our labor .. or .. our money ..  all of us can be a part of giving to those in need .. and in doing so .. we are truly sharing what His glorious love is all about .. that’s right .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need .. yet closes his heart against him .. how does God’s love abide in him”


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