I know I may have shared this before .. but this morning as I think of gratitude .. this always comes to mind .. it was late 1987 and into 1988 that my son Donald began to have headaches .. each day they grew worse .. we at first thought it was nerves from starting at a new school (Bay Elementary) .. but continued on even with our doctor doing all he could think to do to help .. one morning as I sat in the living room of our townhouse on old 98 .. he came down the stairs .. one eye going one way .. the other another .. haha .. he looked like he was drunk .. so .. without hesitation I grabbed him up and headed back to the doctors office .. he took us across the street where they immediately ran a cat scan .. haha .. we didn’t have MRI’s back then .. we had to go to Ft Walton Beach for just about everything .. my how that’s changed .. never the less .. as I stood in the hall and watched the faces of the technicians as they read the scan I knew something was terribly wrong .. and .. indeed it was .. Donald had a brain tumor the size of a tennis ball in his left cerebellum .. shocked as I was .. I was even more shocked when the Neurosurgeon came in to inform me not only of the tumor .. but along with it he thought it was probably malignant and he may not make it six months .. haha .. and finished with telling me he needed a shunt to relieve the pressure in his brain or he wouldn’t make it overnight .. as I sat there .. I just kept thinking how crazy this was .. how could this be .. but with the calmness that seems to always come over me when emergencies arise .. I looked at him and simply told him to do what he needed to do today .. however .. I had no intention of accepting the nonsense of losing him .. for you see .. I could only have one child .. I had complications prior that made it impossible .. the fact that I had him was a miracle in itself .. and yes .. I knew in my heart .. that although I was not the model mom .. and yes .. even though I had made so many mistakes .. and yes .. may continue to do so .. God would still honor my plea to keep him safe .. heal his illness .. and yes .. allow him to grow into “a good man” .. haha .. and yes .. that’s exactly what He did .. for in just few days .. my sweet little 8 year old boy that laid there so sick is turning 37 years old .. he is married to beautiful woman who we adore.. and yes .. has two .. haha .. more than beautiful daughters .. who we totally adore .. and yes .. I’m so proud to say he has indeed grown into .. “a good man” .. and yes .. without a doubt .. I’m one grateful mom .. friends .. we can never give up hope no matter what happens in this life .. for the truth is .. Our God .. He’s here for us twenty four seven .. and yes .. we’ll have battles to fight .. some we’ll win .. some we’ll lose .. but yes yes yes .. our destination .. it will always remain the same .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“For I know the plans I have for you .. declares the Lord .. plans for welfare and not for evil .. to give you a future and a hope”

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