Friends .. it’s the coming and going of grief that can totally overwhelm us with memories of the past .. especially during the holidays .. for the truth is ..  grief  .. it can .. and yes .. will .. magnify the stress that’s already a part of the season .. so .. in knowing this truth .. and yes .. in staying mindful of the reality of it .. haha ..  the best thing we can do .. is simply .. be kind to ourselves .. and yes .. without a doubt .. know that it’s quite alright to give ourselves permission to feel whatever it is we’re feeling .. haha ..  for friends .. trust me when I say .. we can’t fall prey to the belief that we have to feel a certain way or do certain things for our holiday to be .. “normal” ..  haha .. no ..  when we feel sad .. we can allow the tears to come .. for after all … God gave them to us to use .. and yes ..  it’s ok to use them  .. for they’re a healing source .. so .. we use them to cleanse our  very souls .. to wash away our deepest pain .. and yes .. to come out of it  .. refreshed and renewed .. with the mindset of celebration .. haha .. that’s right ..  the celebration of  His goodness .. His mercy .. and yes .. His amazing grace .. for we know that we know that we know .. when we allow Him to pull us through .. it’s gonna be .. a joyful celebration .. haha .. and friends .. I don’t know about you .. but me .. haha .. I’m looking forward to singing that song of joy with Him today ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy”


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