It’s Monday morning .. haha .. many of us are getting ready to head out to a new day in a new week of routine and tasks .. so yes .. as we do so .. may we all stay mindful to remember .. that yes .. each one of us have been called to be “a light for those who are in the dark” .. haha .. that’s right .. each of us have been entrusted to share the love of Jesus with those we meet .. for yes .. He is the true light of the world .. and yes .. He lives within us  .. and yes .. because we’re all in different places in our lives  .. haha .. all around the world .. we each have a captive audience wherever we go .. and friends .. even when we feel we’re in our darkest place and we feel our light cannot be seen .. haha .. it’s then .. the lights go out .. and yes .. we find ourselves shining brighter then ever .. for yes .. He shines through us .. and yes .. He does this no matter the darkness we may find ourselves in .. for the truth is .. with Him in our heart and soul .. we can .. and yes .. we will forever shine for Him and His glory ..  so we keep our eyes on Him each day .. for yes .. He is love .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“For at one time you were darkness .. but now you are light in the Lord .. walk as children of light”


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