Oh yes .. yesterday was an emotionally confusing day in my little world .. haha .. maybe in yours too .. however .. yesterday’s gone and today’s a new day for us all .. and yes .. in this day we’ll find new opportunities .. new boundaries to set .. and yes .. even new problems to work through .. for these are some of the things that do indeed fill our days .. but inspite of it all .. I don’t know about you .. but me .. I continually find myself going back to the simple fact that we’re a blessed bunch of people because of grace .. God’s grace .. and yes .. His grace can become so real in our lives by simply claiming the promises in His Word .. by sharing with Him our needs .. and then yes .. letting go and trusting Him to work things out .. for yes sweet friends .. it’s His grace that enables us to make it through .. no matter the obstacles .. no matter the disappointments .. or yes .. even the hardships we may face .. and no .. it doesn’t matter how many times we may fail or feel others have failed us .. His incredible grace is always there to pick us up .. it refreshes and renews us .. and yes .. it heals us while strengthening us to our very core .. and no .. it’s never inadequate .. nor is it ever depleted .. haha .. no .. it never spoils and simply has no expiration date .. for yes .. grace .. His amazing grace provides everything we need to make it through our days .. so yes sweet friends .. when we’re frustrated and confused and don’t know what to do .. we just close our eyes and see His light shining through .. for yes .. it’s in that light we find that peace we read about .. the peace that we’ve felt so many times over throughout our journey .. you know .. haha .. that peace that ‘surpasses all understanding’ .. that place where we feel nothing but His love .. and yes .. it’s in this place and through this peace .. we seek His guidance .. and yes .. we let go and we let Him control the show .. for yes yes yes .. we know that in the end we must take His stand .. for yes .. we trust whole heartely that no matter what life throws our way .. His way is the only way .. and yes yes yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
Be anxious for nothing .. but in everything by prayer and supplication .. with thanksgiving .. let your requests be made known to God .. and the peace of God .. which surpasses all understanding .. will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”

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