Friends .. to live by faith is simply about our “free will” choice to trust in God .. and yes .. simply to choose His way over our own .. haha .. and yes .. it’s about keeping that faith not only in times of peace .. but also .. in those times when life feels hard .. when we want to give up or even choose another path .. oh .. we can talk about living by faith .. and yes .. totally desire it .. and then .. haha .. we turn around and find ourselves being riddled and jabbed with trials and temptations .. and yes .. in every situation if we took the time to stop and look up .. haha .. we could see the problem clear enough to choose otherwise .. but the truth is .. so many times we just don’t .. no .. instead we allow that temptation to blow right on in whispering in our ear nonsense such as .. ” give up ” .. or even ..” who needs this crap” .. haha .. yes .. temptation has it’s way of making us feel like someone understands .. oh but friends .. we have to stop dead in our tracks and realize .. temptation is not our friend .. God is our friend .. and there is no way He would ever draw near with any kind of negative whisper .. for simply .. He’s a faithful friend .. so .. when temptation raises it’s ugly head .. haha .. like we know it will .. we may have just have to go against everything that feels natural within us .. to simply “choose good” .. while knowing and trusting .. simply .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man .. and God is faithful .. who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able .. but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also .. so that you will be able to endure it”

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