We all want to improve our lives ..  and .. we all feel the need to make productive changes .. in order to do that  .. there are a couple of things .. we simply must have .. “faith and obedience” ..  faith .. the unwavering confidence we have in the unseen .. and .. obedience .. living according to our faith .. haha .. that’s right .. living each day as we know God wants us to live .. with a heart full of .. gratitude .. humility .. honesty .. purity .. unselfishness .. and .. LOVE .. that’s right .. the message is simple .. “faith and obedience”..  totally ..  gives us the strength we need to overcome and live more abundant lives .. so .. as we move into this new week .. let’s stay mindful .. to keep up our faith … while walking in obedience .. for it is then .. we are able .. to spread His love .. as we live each day .. to His fullest .. oh yeah people ..  Love Wins Period.

“For this is the love of God .. that we keep His commandments .. and His commandments are not burdensome”



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