Friends .. the truth is .. so many of us .. haha .. are simply performance oriented .. that’s right .. we’ve all felt that feeling of approval and acceptance .. simply when .. haha .. we’ve performed to someone else’s satisfaction .. and yes .. we’ve all felt .. the disapproval and rejection when we’ve failed to live up to their standards .. and yes .. in turn .. we treat others the same way .. haha .. and yes .. it’s sad to say .. but again .. the truth is .. when they please us .. we treat them kindly and considerately .. haha .. oh but .. when they displease us .. we feel totally justified in treating them unkindly .. and yes .. haha .. let’s just say .. not in a loving manner .. haha .. oh but friends .. it’s when we begin to know God more intimately .. it’s when we truly begin to understand just how big .. and yes .. just how wide His love is for us .. that we simply find .. haha .. we’re able to express love to others .. even when .. they don’t perform to our expectations .. which in turn .. simply helps us to love .. and yes .. accept ourselves .. when we don’t perform to theirs .. haha .. crazy how we’re all connected .. simply through .. His unconditional love .. so yes yes yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us .. God is love .. and whoever abides in love abides in God .. and God abides in him”

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