Friends .. it’s true .. suffering .. difficulty .. and yes .. discomfort can all cause us to feel hopeless .. or .. haha .. it can simply give us greater hope .. that’s right .. for the truth is .. it’s all about how we respond .. for yes .. God tells us that we can take “joy” in our suffering  .. haha .. so with that being said .. we have a choice in front of us .. we can focus on the suffering and become despondent and hopeless people .. or .. we can focus on what He’s doing in our lives .. for yes .. He’s teaching us to be steadfast and determined .. He’s building in us a strong character .. which in turn .. produces trust in Him and His plan for our future .. yes friends .. we have hope on our side ..  so yes .. we get up each day and we confess to Him .. that no .. we have no idea exactly what He’s doing in our lives ..  but that yes .. we trust Him one hundred percent to use every detail for our ultimate good .. and yes sweet friends .. I think we can all agree .. haha .. that yes .. that’s a big “woo hoo!”  .. so yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Not only so .. but we also glory in our sufferings .. because we know that suffering produces perseverance .. perseverance .. character .. and character .. hope .. and hope does not put us to shame .. because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit .. who has been given to us”

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