It’s funny how certain things bring back certain memories .. haha ..  today as I was pulling into the outlet mall to grab something I needed quickly .. Bob Segar came on the radio .. “Against the Wind” .. oh yes .. one of my favorite songs .. heck .. one of my favorite artist .. anyway .. the song .. that song .. every time I hear it I think of my brother George .. my best friend .. gone at an early age .. oh but .. always living in my heart ..  I thought about the time he told me his fondest memory of me when I was a little girl .. haha .. playing in my yellow seer sucker sundress .. oh and then .. my mind went to the time he owned the Putt Putt Miniature Golf Course just on the other side of the Hathaway Bridge and the fun we had .. simple fun  .. haha .. and then .. to the many trips we took from here to Corpus Christi see to our Aunt Toni who we both adored .. and finally .. to the last year of his life .. the time that we spent talking about all those memories we created together as brother and sister .. oh how I loved my brother .. my friend .. and yes .. my mentor ..  and oh ..  how I miss him .. haha ..  but friends .. the gratefulness that I feel to our God ..  in just simply knowing ..  that one day when my time is done .. I’ll see him again .. and yes ..  for no other reason in this world .. although .. I have many .. my heart is full ..  so .. sweet friends  .. we hang on to our memories .. we let them live in our heart .. and .. rest in mind .. for yes .. haha ..  ‘we’re all older now’.. and yes .. ‘still running against the wind’ .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

”For in this hope we were saved .. now hope that is seen is not hope .. for who hopes for what he sees?  .. but if we hope for what we do not see .. we wait for it with patience


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