Friends .. it’s when we come to the realization .. haha .. that no .. we absolutely do not have to twist ourselves into a pretzel to become someone we’re not .. nor .. do we have to squeeze ourselves into a tight little box to fit someone else’s expectations .. that yes .. God Himself .. has given us permission to be ourselves .. we can simply breathe a sigh of relief .. for now .. haha .. we can let go of whatever it is we’ve been holding onto so tightly .. we can open our hands and hearts .. and yes .. fully let His Divine Presence enter .. haha .. which in turn .. allows the healing to begin .. and yes .. allows growth and change to happen .. it’s all good .. as we relax in the light of His love .. for now .. we truly .. haha .. “get” the truth .. for yes sweet friends .. we’re all loved .. and yes .. we’ve spent too much time beating ourselves up for all the wrong reasons .. haha .. for the truth is .. no one needs to tell us what we’ve done wrong .. no .. we know our own wrongs all too well .. so yes .. it’s time to allow Him to move .. for yes .. He’ll faithfully remove all obstacles .. the stumbling blocks .. the wrongs .. the disappointments .. and yes .. those failures .. that constantly bind us from moving forward .. and friends .. to get to this freedom .. all we have to do .. is simply step back .. and yes .. simply .. allow Him to do so .. haha .. and yes .. again we’ll find .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart .. and do not lean on your own understanding .. in all your ways acknowledge Him .. and He will make straight your paths”

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