I love the practical advice Paul gives the Ephesians concerning anger .. starting off with the fact that we are never to allow ourselves to sin in our anger .. haha .. that’s right .. we simply cannot “show out” while we are in the midst of the storm .. from there .. he goes on to tell us the importance of keeping short accounts when these feelings do arise .. for .. by resolving our differences and dealing with our emotions before nightfall .. we effectively starve .. rather than feed .. our hostility .. this advise can apply to many areas in our lives and to the many things that require our full attention .. gossiping .. crabbiness .. bitterness .. rage .. slander .. and .. malice .. yes.. friends .. before our head hits the pillow .. we need to take each battle we face to the Lord .. do all we can to reconcile with others .. as well as .. with ourselves .. for after all .. many times we find .. we are .. our own worst enemy .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period​

“For you were once darkness .. but now you are light in the Lord .. live as children of light”


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