My husband Bob .. better known these days as “PoP BoB” never had children .. I was blessed with one son after tragic losses before him .. haha .. I was young and really didn’t know how to be a mom .. I always felt not good enough .. you know .. choked down by the enemy .. I eventually moved through it and today .. haha .. not only am I a mom to a wonderful and kind son .. haha .. I’m a MiMi to the best two little girls in the whole wide world ..yes .. the the same as yours is to you .. haha .. and yes .. now Robert (Bob) .. has become .. PoP BoB .. a brand new exciting experience in his life .. all the way around .. haha .. and yes .. it’s Christmastime .. the most wonderful time of the year .. when we celebrate the birth of our Savior .. Jesus .. Jesus .. Jesus .. the sweetest name we know .. and yes .. what an honor it is for us all .. to simply .. be able to do this freely .. today .. we’ll have our Christmas with the kids .. they’ll come over and see the surprises that PoP BoB and MiMi have for them all .. we’ll laugh .. and yes .. I’m certain to cry .. haha .. yes those tears of joy and wonder as I watch them all open up their gifts that we chose so carefully for each them .. I’ve always said .. “God didn’t give us tears not to use them” .. haha .. we’ll have dinner .. a bite of something sweet .. and then .. the day will be complete and they’ll go home .. and yes .. we’ll all lay down with grateful hearts .. for friends .. gratefulness .. it’s a wonderful feeling .. and no .. I can’t imagine not feeling this on a regular basis .. haha .. maybe because in my life alone and I’m sure in many of yours .. we’ve been shown so much grace over time .. not only from God .. but from many of His children .. that we can’t feel anything less than grateful .. oh .. don’t get me wrong .. the enemy would like to take us all down .. one by one .. or yes .. two by two .. haha .. but friends .. when we stop and sit in the quietness of some part of our day .. and yes .. really begin to think about the grace and the love that we have been shown .. not only by God .. but by many of His children .. something inside us stirs up a full and ever so grateful heart .. for the truth is .. we’re all fortunate people .. we’re loved so much by God .. haha .. we can’t even comprehend it .. and yes .. as tears roll down my face and my heart swells with thoughts of the big love we all share .. haha .. there’s simply no way not to .. be grateful .. haha .. always has been and always will be my favorite .. BE word .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken .. and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship .. with reverence and awe”

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