We all carry around burdens that God never intended us to carry.

Oh but, we’re a hard headed bunch of people, and yes – we insist on doing things our own way.

However, think about it – when we’re sick we give control to our doctor, when we have a legal problem we give it to our attorney, when we’re facing difficulties and our burdens feel too heavy to bear – we simply must entrust and hand them over to Him with full confidence.

For it is then – we’re expressing our faith, not only in Him but in His promises.

We trust Him, we trust His Word, and yes – we know this is what we must continual feed our mind. There will be times when we feel like there’s two beings inside, one pulling to the left while the other pulls to the right,

The truth is – it’s the one we feed that will win.

So yes, when we struggle we can’t feed our concerns and turn them into worry. No, we give them to Him, for when we do, we’ll find He’ll simply turn our sorrows into joy.

And the beauty of all this is – we can have it if we want it, it’s a choice, for yes – Love Himself has blessed us and has called us, to be a blessing.

He’ll take our burdens, our sorrows and our very lives and turn them into joy, IF – we allow Him to do so.

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period

“whatever is true ,whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.” Philippians 4:8


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