Friends ..  I don’t know about you .. but me .. personally ..  I’ve suffered many a trial .. simply from my own doing .. haha .. that’s right .. we’ve caused ourselves many a problem .. by doing things we should absolutely .. not have done  ..  oh I know .. maybe these “things”  were not intentional .. but rather  .. out of pure immaturity .. and yes ..  just plain stupid decisions ..  me .. I’ve always been a people pleaser .. haha .. and we all know .. it’s a hard row .. for simply .. we can’t please everyone .. so .. bottom line .. it’s when we truly begin to understand that we’re just fine  .. and yes .. that we’re loved .. simply for being ourselves  .. that yes .. we can see the truth .. we don’t need to be what someone else wants us to be ..  haha .. unless it’s what God wants us to be .. for friends ..  all He truly wants is for us to be ourselves .. and no .. we don’t need to be afraid to do so .. no way .. we simply need to seek Him for guidance in all we do .. and yes .. in all we say  .. and yes yes yes  ..  live the life .. He so wants us to live .. for the truth is .. our human flesh  literally cries out for comfort and direction .. for some sort of control .. yet .. He has called us to live above that .. and friends .. it’s on this path with Him that we’ll find rest .. and yes .. haha .. when we’re there .. we’ll no longer wonder about His will for our lives .. for simply .. we’ll be living it .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period”And your ears shall hear a word behind you .. saying .. “This is the way .. walk in it”  ,, when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left”


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