Friends .. if we want to be better people then we need to understand .. that no .. it doesn’t matter how successful or wealthy we become .. it simply doesn’t make us better people .. no friends .. all it means is that we have more money .. that’s it .. bottom line .. however .. it’s when we learn to truly appreciate all that we have in life .. you know .. things like our family and friends .. not to mention the many second changes we’ve so graciously been given through time .. it’s then ..  we find just how important it is to stay humble .. for no .. humility is not a sign of weakness .. no .. it’s the strongest sign of strength .. for yes .. when we stay humble we obtain an inner peace that comes only from God .. and yes .. we learn that we really have nothing to prove and we’re actually comfortable in our own skin .. we learn that shifting our focus from ourselves .. and yes .. listening to others is really what it’s all about .. so yes .. when we keep our heart humble .. we’ll  find no ego nor pretense .. for yes .. we’re authentic people with love in our heart for every single person we meet .. haha ..  in spite of .. and no .. not because of ..  for yes sweet friends .. always and forever ..  haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit .. rather .. in humility value others above yourselves”



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