We all have unfinished projects .. unfulfilled dreams .. and .. unkept promises .. yes .. we know the disappointment that comes with starting down the road .. so full of excitement .. and then .. never seeming to be able to reach the end .. oh yes .. our intentions are always good in the beginning .. but time .. it takes away the steam .. but friends .. here’s .. the awesome news .. when it comes to our spiritual life and God’s plan for us .. we will never end in failure .. our hopes and dreams will come alive in brilliant “living” color .. simply because .. it is His work .. and .. it is His project .. and .. we can trust .. He’s going to make it happen .. for .. you see .. a promise is only as reliable as the One who makes it .. and this promise .. is made by God Himself .. and .. He never reneges on His promises .. He will never leave us nor forsake us .. He will see us through .. and that sweet friends .. is the glorious news for today .. so .. let’s get out .. spread some love .. while watching those dreams .. manifest before our very own eyes .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period​

“And I am certain that God .. who began the good work within you .. will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns”


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