Today is a big day .. Bob and I have been  married 17 years ..  wow .. as if that’s not been a big enough of a blessing .. our granddaughter .. Gracyn Ann .. she turns 3 years old today .. double wow .. the time has certainly flown .. so .. as I sit and reflect this morning ..  on this .. “big love” .. I have been so graciously blessed with ..  I must go .. straight to the “Creator of Love”  .. and just what it means for us ..  for you see ..  the  description of love described in His Word ..  is the love of Christ ..  it’s impossible for any of us to love each other in this way all the time .. for simply .. this is perfect love .. and .. as we well know .. only Christ is perfect ..  but … this is the kind of love that we can .. and should .. strive to give each other every day … and friends ..  from personal experience ..  I can tell you .. the only way to ever be able to do this .. is to allow God to change us .. asking Him to remove the scales from our eyes .. so we can see the truth ..  for you see  ..  love .. it’s a choice .. it means to sacrifice our own wants .. needs .. desires .. and .. feelings .. for .. the wants .. needs .. desires .. and .. feelings .. for the ones we love .. the key in being able to do this is simple .. haha .. we have to learn to do these things .. without pity or anger .. that’s right  .. no one can make us .. nope .. we have to “choose” to do them .. out of love .. for .. real love .. has no room for such nonsense ..  think about it ..  Christ died for us .. and .. we all know .. He could have taken Himself off that cross anytime He felt like it .. yet .. He didn’t .. for .. His sacrifice was made out of unselfish love for us .. He wasn’t angry because He thought He .. “had to do it” ..  no way .. He did it because .. He loves us  .. even though He knew .. we would continue to fail Him and hurt Him .. yet ..  none of that mattered ..  simply because .. “He is Love” .. ahh yes .. looking back over the last 17 years ..  I have been blessed to have the greatest of loves .. from my God .. who loves me big  .. to my Husband .. who loves me big .. oh yes .. this man .. he has loved me totally .. and .. he has certainly .. sacrificed his wants .. needs .. desires .. and .. feelings ..  for mine .. more times than I can count .. and .. even more remarkable .. he’s done it without self pity  or anger .. when many times .. he’s had every right to those feelings .. but no ..  my husband .. he strives to treat me always .. with a .. “Christ-Like Love” ..  wow ..  and now .. my granddaughter .. oh my goodness .. her love for me .. it’s so big .. I see it in her eyes .. I see it in her smile .. and .. I feel it in her heart .. yes friends .. today .. it’s a big day .. haha .. and .. I’d like to say .. “Happy Anniversary Bob” and  “Happy Birthday Gracyn” ..  I love you both big and wide .. for today ..  my heart is full and my life is complete .. oh yeah people ..  Love Wins Period

“We love because He first loved us”





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