Whew .. what a weekend .. haha ..  between the 10 events ..  dealing with personalities .. and .. people stealing from us at an event site .. we’re ALL worn out .. oh but friends ..  without a doubt .. we praise God ..  we praise Him for the business .. we praise Him for the personalities .. and yes .. we even praise Him for the thieves  ..  for the truth is ..  all of these things .. haha .. they shape us and they mold us .. and yes ..  if we pay attention .. we learn ..  that’s right .. we learn what to do .. and yes .. we learn .. haha .. what not to do ..  my son Donald and I have are fortunate to have surrounding us a group of people who really care about us personally  ..  not only that .. they care about the role they play with us .. and yes .. they ALL  .. haha .. sure do know how to make us look good .. so sweet friends .. on this Sunday morning .. late as it is for me .. haha .. I want to shout out to each of you .. and yes ..  thank you from the bottom of my heart ..  for you ALL know who you are .. so many to list  .. however ..  because of each of you .. my heart is so very very full .. may blessings upon blessings be poured out onto you and your families .. we love you big .. and yes .. again and again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period.

“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor .. for if either of them falls .. the one will lift up his companion .. but woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up .. furthermore .. if two lie down together they keep warm .. but how can one be warm alone?  .. and if one can overpower him who is alone .. two can resist him .. a cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart”


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