Friends .. it’s true .. we’ve all felt sad .. lonely .. and yes .. just plain ‘blah’ in our lives  .. and yes .. we’ve struggled with a heavy heart at one time or another .. however .. it’s when we understand that we’re not ‘lone’ ships with these kind of feelings .. we stop .. we make sure we’re in touch with our emotions .. and yes .. we remind ourselves that we have the power of Christ living right inside of us .. haha .. and yes .. this means we can win over our emotions through His power .. no .. we don’t have to let our emotions control us ..  for yes .. He is stronger than our feelings .. and yes .. He wants to help us .. haha .. we just have to let Him .. so yes .. we get up .. we shift gears .. we take our eyes off of the challenge we’re facing .. and yes .. we begin to praise Him for the good .. for friends .. no matter how tough life can become .. there’s always something to praise Him for .. like right now .. we are all breathing .. haha ..  yes sweet friends .. when we praise Him in the midst of our negative feelings .. something happens inside of us .. we’re propelled into a better emotional place .. and yes .. we become patient .. and no .. we don’t give up ..  instead we punch the enemy in the face .. and yes .. we keep moving .. for yes .. we have the full advantage on our side .. we know love Himself .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood .. but against the rulers .. against the authorities .. against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms




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