The majority of my spiritual growth has happened during the hardest and most painful times of my life .. for you see .. those trials of life .. they have pushed me to press in to God ..  and .. as I’ve done that .. He’s changed me .. a little more each day .. He’s constantly helping me to have an attitude of gratitude and humility ..  which continues to bring real freedom into my life .. for real freedom I have found .. is being able to .. not have my way and still be just as happy as if I did .. haha .. friends .. making progress results in more of His power in our life .. oh yes .. it’s a difficult process reaching this point .. but .. oh so worth it .. growing in Him is not always comfortable .. and .. i yi yi .. there will be sacrifice involved .. for .. He will ask us to do things we are afraid to do .. but .. He’ll give us the strength and grace we need every time to take on His task .. so sweet friends .. let us keep a constant attitude of gratitude .. resisting any temptation to complain  .. instead praising and thanking Him for who He is and all He’s done for us .. for it’s by His grace and through His strength .. we can overcome and live each day with big huge thankful hearts ..  oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period

“Each time he said ..  “My grace is all you need .. My power works best in weakness”  .. so now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses .. so that the power of Christ can work through me”



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