We are all called by God to serve .. that’s right .. His Word tells us plainly that each of us are called to serve Him by serving others .. you see .. we aren’t saved .. by serving .. we are saved .. for serving .. it’s the basis to our freedom .. and friends .. it’s not until we experience the transforming power of His grace in our own life .. that we are able to free ourselves from the bondage of our own hurts .. that have simply stopped us from thinking much about others .. personally .. in my walk .. I have learned that without the freedom of forgiveness .. we’ll end up serving for all the wrong reasons .. trying constantly to earn the approval of others .. all the while .. running away from our own pain .. trying desperately to remedy our guilt .. haha .. while trying to impress God .. for .. when our service is motivated by these illegitimate reasons .. we are bound to be burned out and ­bitter in the end .. it’s out of our selfishness that keeps ups preoccupied with our own agenda that takes away our energy to serve others .. so here we are .. the bottom line .. the real motive to serve .. LOVE .. for He is far more interested in why we serve others .. than in how well we serve them … yes .. He’s always and forever looking at our heart .. so .. with humble hearts .. we truck on .. serving willingly and eagerly out of our love for Him and all He’s done for us .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“No matter what I say .. what I believe .. and what I do .. I’m bankrupt without love.”



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