I totally believe that yes indeed .. life is change .. growth is optional .. and yes sweet friends .. we need to choose wisely .. haha .. for simply .. God wants our hearts to be happy .. and yes .. He wants us to learn to adapt with the change around us while growing fully in our faith in Him .. and friends .. personally I can attest .. He’s constantly challenging us and placing opportunities around us that if we’d pursue .. haha .. we’d be a whole lot happier .. for yes .. it’s when we deny the dreams of our heart that we’re actually denying the gift of a perfect life He has for each of us .. for the truth is .. when we do what we think we should do .. or .. what others tell us we should do .. we become lost in the activities of our mind .. which in turn .. creates separation and struggle .. for it’s when we embrace and follow our heart .. things begin to become effortless and flow ever so easily .. haha .. so .. with our mindset on this truth .. we decide what things me to us .. we decide what’s easy .. what’s hard .. and yes .. what’s good or bad .. for simply .. life along with the situations and challenges we face are strictly for our own benefit .. and yes .. for our own personal growth .. so .. we can choose one or two things .. haha .. grow and become more .. or .. stay the same while keeping our status quo .. for it all boils down to .. “existing verses truly living” .. and yes .. it’s always our choice .. so .. if we don’t like the way things are .. we can change what they mean to us .. or .. we can change our circumstances .. it’s that easy folks .. haha .. when we’re stuck in a rut and truly want change .. we simply look to Him for direction while stepping out of our comfort zone and making the choice to build something new and exciting .. for yes! .. progress always involves risk .. haha .. bottom line .. we can’t make it to second base by keeping our foot on first .. so yes .. we grab hold of the change while choosing to grow like only He can help us grow .. while trusting without question or doubt that simply .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ .. to Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity .. amen:


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