We arrived in New York City in the middle of the day .. a beautiful day I might add .. haha .. and yes .. a very good day .. after the shuttle driver got us close enough to the Hotel we decided to jump out and walk the rest of the distance .. with the traffic in the city .. walking is the quickest form of transportation .. haha .. we made it .. checked into our room .. then went to introduce ourselves to Chef Jeffrey .. what a delightful young man .. a Master Chef .. and yes .. an all around nice guy .. when I called a week or so ago to talk to Chef’s in the area about borrowing a kitchen for Tina to bake out of .. I never dreamed we would fall across such a beautiful group of people .. for honestly .. there aren’t many restaurants around that will let you send a package .. keep it in their cooler .. and then .. haha .. let you take over the basement kitchen to bake a cake .. oh but friends .. when God’s hand is in the plan .. the doors open and the gates flood with blessings .. and yes .. that’s exactly what has happened thus far .. haha .. and yes .. what’s even more incredible .. we’re not even twenty four hours into the trip .. so friends .. trust me when I tell you this morning .. blessings come when you’re mindset stays in the right direction .. when you know that you know that you know .. you’re following His plan .. they come .. He opens the doors .. and yes .. He makes things happen .. easy breezy .. haha .. in our case .. it was welcoming Chef .. with a welcoming staff .. making everything as simple .. and yes .. as comfortable as it could ever be .. haha .. yes yes yes .. people loving people .. just the way He intended it to be .. can’t wait to see what He does today! .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“The heart of man plans his way .. but the Lord establishes his steps”

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