Friends .. it’s good when we come to the understanding that joy is just not the same as happiness .. haha .. for yes .. happiness comes  .. and yes .. happiness goes .. it’s like waves hitting the shore .. it’s not even something we can cling to when we’ve experienced a loss .. however .. on the other hand .. haha .. we have joy .. and yes ..  it can stay with us for the long haul .. for friends ..  real joy is from God .. and yes ..  for those of us who believe it’s like a bottomless well of water with an abundant supply .. that’s right .. even in our darkest days when sadness .. grief .. and yes .. loss threaten to overwhelm us ..  His joy is there .. and yes .. we need to understand straight up that His joy cannot be taken away .. oh .. we may think it’s gone ..  we may think it’s been snatched away .. but it’s not .. for the truth is .. we’ve been promised His constant presence .. and yes .. we’re promised His joy .. so yes .. haha .. it’s time to stop wallowing .. whining .. and  .. complaining .. and yes .. time to grab hold of that joy  just like salvation .. for yes .. it’s a free and perfect gift from Him .. so yes sweet friends .. in trusting this truth ..  we need to reach out and accept that gift .. grab hold of it like a lifeline .. always choosing joy over bitterness .. always over anger .. and yes  .. always over sorrow no matter the circumstance .. it’s all about a choice .. so yes ..  we get up each day with the mindset to make a conscious decision to simply ..  choose joy .. for again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete”



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