Friends .. our lives are full of choices .. and yes .. haha .. we have the full ability to make those choices .. and yes .. even think for ourselves .. that’s right .. haha .. for simply .. God’s Word tells us to set our mind on things above and not on earthly things .. think about it .. the fact that we’re told to “set our mind” simply means .. we have the choice to choose the things we should focus on .. haha .. oh no .. this doesn’t mean negative thoughts won’t come our way .. haha .. for simply .. if that were the case .. there’d be absolutely no need for us to consciously choose His way of thinking .. haha .. bottom line .. our thoughts are totally determined by us .. so .. being armed with this knowledge .. along with a firm commitment to exercise our own mind .. haha .. we’re ready to roll .. and yes .. each time a thought pops up that doesn’t align with His Word .. we’ll simply make the choice .. to throw it to the way side .. and simply .. keep moving .. I know .. it’s not always easy .. for life .. haha .. it can sure throw it’s punches .. however .. it’s vital for our own well being .. that we fight off any and all negativity that comes our way .. for friends .. it’s when we don’t give up that we’ll find the fruit of this process .. we’ll find ourselves responding to the circumstances we face .. haha .. with strength .. faith .. and .. confidence .. all because .. our mindset is constantly being renewed .. and yes .. more and more .. deeply rooted in Him .. and yes sweet friends .. because of this act of obedience .. we’ll naturally act more like Him .. haha .. and the awesome part .. our transformation is happening on the inside .. deep down in our spiritual being .. haha .. oh yes .. what a joy it is to know .. we are loved and never alone .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Do not be conformed to this world .. but be transformed by the renewal of your mind .. that by testing you may discern what is the will of God .. what is good and acceptable and perfect”

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