There has been a healing come over me in recent months .. my eyes are being opened a little more each day .. God has given me an insight into myself that has delivered me from the guilt that I have carried for many years .. you see .. when I realized that the way I went about getting myself .. “free” .. was actual what has had me held in bondage .. I have been able to make that “choice” to let go of the self inflicted pain .. we all know that old adage .. “two wrongs don’t make a right” .. and friends .. it’s something we need to live by .. choices .. they need to be thought through .. if the choices we make are going to hurt someone we love .. and .. it’s not for their good .. then we need to rethink that choice .. for the choices I made where wrong .. I hurt people I love .. and friends .. we have all suffered because of it .. oh yes .. God and man have forgiven me .. and .. it’s by His Grace and theirs that I have made it this far .. my mindset is being renewed daily .. the battle is over .. the pain is not so deep .. yes .. I am now allowing His .. “Grace” .. to work in my life .. I have now forgiven myself . . so friends .. when we are faced with decisions .. big or small .. let’s remember .. we’re not alone .. for Our God .. He is powerful and supportive .. steadily guiding our life with our best interest at heart .. when we call upon Him for guidance and support .. He will respond .. He will plant signposts in our path to guide us to our highest good .. all we need to do .. is make that choice to follow Him .. and that path .. He so tenderly leads .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period​

“And after you have suffered a little while .. the God of all grace .. who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ .. will Himself restore .. confirm .. strengthen .. and establish you”


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