There are times in our lives .. when .. we just can’t see properly .. haha .. our feelings have completely distorted our vision ..  you know ..  it’s like we’re wearing dark glasses day and night .. although all around us is light .. we can’t see .. ’cause those darn glasses .. are like trying to see through the ace of spades  .. and friends .. when this happens .. we must remind ourselves constantly  ..  that .. we can’t trust our feelings .. nor ..  can we pay any attention to them  .. for simply ..  they can trick and mislead us ..  yes friends .. this is hard .. for all our lives ..  we have been taught .. to listen too our feelings .. and .. to let them guide us to some degree or another .. but .. the truth is ..  what works when we’re healthy .. does not always work .. when we’re suffering .. no ..  when we’re suffering emotionally ..  we need to learn .. NOT .. to place any significance on our feelings ..  and .. simply recognize them .. for what they are .. for .. we may remain in this very state for a while .. oh but .. we must stay encouraged .. for we know .. feelings and emotions .. they don’t last forever .. it’s when our exhausted minds heal .. whether it be months or years .. our feelings .. they’ll return to normal .. and again .. we’ll fully be able to bask in God’s presence and love .. while taking comfort in His very Words ..  for He’s always with us .. although .. in times of sorrow and pain .. and .. when coming out of the fire .. we tend to move Him around a bit .. our minds go elsewhere .. so .. when we think He has abandoned us .. it’s really .. we have abandoned Him .. so now ..  we get ourselves up .. and .. we keep things in perspective .. for the truth is .. we will experience .. trials and troubles in this life ..  and .. we must stay mindful .. to keep Him close .. so close .. He’s  smack dab in the  front of our face .. for we know .. feelings .. they can change like the wind .. and are .. totally colored by our circumstances ..  and  .. circumstances ..  can also come and go .. however ..  His Word ..  it remains  constant .. it never changes .. and .. with this ..  we know .. that we know .. that we know .. with Him ..   we can .. and .. will ..  always see ..  things clearly ..and ..  with a sharp eye  .. oh yeah people ..  Love Wins Period

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you”


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