I used to ask my mom each week after she went to church what Toy had preached about .. every single time .. she would think a minute and then respond .. “Love” .. haha .. that’s right .. every single time .. she would say the same thing .. I love our little church .. I first started going there in 1987 .. it was then .. as it is now .. the most loving and accepting place I’ve ever been .. no judging .. no looking at what you have on .. no looking at your pocket book ..no looking at anything but .. the heart .. haha .. yes .. our little church .. it’s a home for the .. “lost and found” .. as I sat there .. I thought about those that have long left this earth that used to sit on those pews .. I saw my son being baptized as Eldon sang .. ” My heart is like house .. one day I let my Savior in …” .. I sat there reflecting through the years .. the good .. the bad .. oh yes .. and .. the ugly .. I thought about each time that God pulled me out of the miry clay and brought me back under His protective wings .. I thought about the safety I’ve always felt in that place and with these people .. I thought about my mom and how much she loved me .. and .. how much I miss her .. friends .. haha .. I had a lot going on in my head in that hour spent .. you see .. life has taken us away for the last few years .. we’ve been busy .. no no .. I’m not saying that church is something you have to do to be loved by God or to believe .. for .. He loves us .. no matter where we are or what we’re doing .. He’s a faithful friend to the end .. there is no doubt about it .. He loves us BIG .. no .. for me .. getting back to church has brought me home to my family .. to the place on earth where I feel loved and accepted .. totally and absolutely .. in spite of not because of .. for you see .. as we walked back into those doors after several years of being gone .. no one blinked an eye .. everyone was happy to see us .. just as if they had seen us yesterday .. just as Jesus is .. every single time we turn to Him .. for .. there are simply no words to describe His Unconditional Love .. bottom line .. we all want to be loved .. and He’s there to give it to us .. whether we are .. up or down .. or .. even feel like we just .. don’t deserve it .. for friends .. “God is Love” .. plain and simple .. haha .. so now this morning .. if you ask me what Toy preached about yesterday .. I don’t have to think a minute .. my answer is .. “Love” … that’s right .. so .. as Imitators of Christ .. let’s all .. get out and spread some of His today .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period

“Therefore be imitators of God .. as beloved children .. and walk in love .. just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us .. an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma ”



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