Friends .. the election is over .. haha .. and yes .. whether we like it or not .. we have a new president .. and the truth is .. just like yesterday .. as we travel through life .. we’re constantly finding ourselves being challenged to make the choice between love and fear .. oh I know .. it’s easy to love when it’s something we enjoy and believe in .. however .. we can never allow ourselves to focus on false securities .. for yes .. they disappear fast … so .. we choose love when facing our fears .. whatever they may be .. we choose love .. when we reach out to one another .. and yes .. we choose love … when trusting this process .. even when we have no answers .. for choosing love is an act of courage in itself .. and yes sweet friends … we all carry that courage deep down inside our heart .. bottom line .. God is love ..  and  friends .. always and forever .. we know that we know that we know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“First of all .. then .. I urge that supplications .. prayers .. intercessions .. and thanksgivings be made for all people ..  for kings and all who are in high positions .. that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life .. godly and dignified in every way.”


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