We were all born .. to love and to be loved ..  when all the while ..  being .. tested .. tried  .. and .. challenged .. haha .. that’s right .. but yet ..  we keep trying ..  and the reason we do .. is simple and true ..  a Savior was born .. His name is Jesus .. He came to save us from the pain we feel .. the sadness we endure .. the fear placed upon us .. the hate that we harbor ..  the loss of our loved ones .. and .. from death  itself .. for you see .. when we make mistakes .. because of Him .. we can change and try again ..  when we feel alone .. depressed .. or .. lost ..  we have hope in knowing that there is someone else who knows how we feel ..  because He was born .. when we lose a loved one .. we can be at peace .. for .. we have faith in knowing .. we will see them again .. because He was born ..  we are free .. free from the bondage of ourselves .. for the truth is .. there is nothing that we’ll ever go through .. that He’ll  not understand .. simply because .. He felt it too ..  yes .. sweet friends .. it’s Christmas .. a time of celebration .. for .. in it we find ..  hope .. peace .. comfort .. healing .. joy .. love .. and .. forgiveness ..  yes .. we find all of this .. simply because .. He was born ..  and friends  .. the joy of it all .. because our Savior was born .. death will never be .. the end .. that’s right .. haha ..  oh yeah people .. again and again  ..  Love Wins Period

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son .. that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”





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