Friends ..  we’re faced with tasks on a daily basis .. and yes .. some of these tasks can be overwhelming .. however .. what we have to remember is .. the task itself is not our enemy .. haha .. no .. it’s the panic that comes over us when dealing with the task that’s our enemy ..  the truth is .. when we panic our progress is halted .. so yes ..  knowing this to be true .. we need to be ready .. haha .. and yes ..  when the panic arises we simply  need to stop and deal with it as whole separate issue .. we need to look to God .. and yes .. trust that His guided action will indeed further our progress .. for yes sweet friends .. it’s when we can do this that His perfect peace will overcome us .. and yes .. we’ll simply be able to stay on track ..  the track that He’s designed for each of of us alone .. for yes .. He holds our destiny .. and yes .. it’s up to us to choose to follow it .. so yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“I have said these things to you .. that in me you may have peace .. in the world you will have tribulation .. but take heart .. I have overcome the world”


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