Friends .. we can’t change the weather .. no .. we have zero control over that one .. haha .. so looking at it in the most simple way possible .. we might as well enjoy it .. yes friends .. the heart of simple living is .. to yes .. enjoy what comes .. and yes .. accept what it .. and yes .. if it’s a beautiful sunny day .. we can play at the beach .. if the liquid sunshine falls down on us .. we can enjoy a walk in the rain .. for yes .. to enjoy the weather as it comes simply reminds us to accept what’s happening inside of us as well .. for it’s true .. there’ll be times when we’re down and confused .. and friends .. it’s on these days we simply give it to God .. and yes .. we do our best .. for yes .. it’s then our mindset shifts .. and yes .. we see the Son is still shining .. so yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Praise the Lord from the earth .. sea monsters and all deeps .. fire and hail .. snow and clouds .. stormy wind .. fulfilling His Word”


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