We live in a world where rather than to have a face to face conversation – we text.

And yes – if we’ll look back through our text log and have a moment of honesty within – we should ask ourselves – how many of those should have been conversations with real people in real life – face to face.

Rather than to look at someone made in the image of God – in the eyes and open our mouths – pure fear tells us that it’s just as good to look at a lifeless rectangle and tap out a few characters – maybe even add an emoji.

However – think about it – it’s not love when we avoid flesh-and-blood engagement – when we resort to texting, we reduce others to a brain on a stick – we simply refuse to allow them to express their emotions, thoughts, and feelings through body language, eye contact, and vocal quality.

We intentionally distance ourselves from their humaness.

So yes – let’s do a mental scroll through our texts over the past week – are we engaging others in an arena that prevents them from changing our mind – are our texts meant to manipulate and force others to give us what we want.

These are valuable questions to ask ourselves. The truth is – love will not grow in relationships where we use our phones to beat others into submission.

We have to stay mindful to remember – our conflicts are an opportunity to glorify God – to serve other people and to grow to be like Him.

So yes – the next time we feel tempted to resolve a conflict – to confront someone, or to confess something via text – do not be afraid – call, or better yet – make time to meet with that person face to face.

It’s sad but true – deep down so many of us are simply – cowering behind the safety of a glass screen.

Bottom line – we need take note from Jesus Himself – we need to learn that communication is not a tool to get what we want from others – but a means to love and serve people – to commune with them, both body and soul.

We are loved by love Himself. He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes – love wins period

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves” Philippians 2:3

#lovewinsperiod #prayingforpbandbj #prayingforourfamily #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole #unspokenprayerrequest #mindsetmatters #gracetrumpskarma

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