God will never ask or tell us to do something that is against His Word ..  haha .. just one reason we should know it .. oh yes .. there are many verses that tell us what not to do .. some outright sins .. while others .. foolish and certainly not wise .. the latter usually bringing us much trouble ..  but again .. He’s not going to tell us to do something that is against His Word ..  and when He does tell us to do something ..  He’ll simply open the way .. we won’t have to force anything .. the opportunity will arise .. and Friends .. we must be ready .. taking that opportunity when it comes .. we can’t let it pass us by .. because it will   .. be ready ..  our minds and spirits are close together .. when He speaks to us .. we can hear .. simply because ..  we are listening .. we are expecting Him .. we welcome that still small voice of confidence and love .. a nudge that feels like no other .. and when we take head ..  He’s in it with us until it’s done .. so we listen some more .. you see .. we walk by faith in this life .. and .. we’re not going to do it perfectly .. but .. we can try .. we can learn .. we can practice each day to be better while staying mindful to listen more .. for .. Our God is an awesome teacher .. and .. haha .. He’s not going to tell us to do something that is against His Word ..  oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period

“But as it is .. you boast in your arrogance .. all such boasting is evil .. Therefore .. to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it .. to him it is sin”





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