Friends .. it’s very easy to lose hope when troubles surround us .. you know .. those uncertainties and doubts .. they can and will .. fill us with fear .. especially when there seems to be no way out of the pain .. oh but friends .. what we must remember is simple .. Jesus told us .. that in our walk on earth we would have many troubles .. however .. He also wanted us to know .. that despite our problems .. we can .. stand firm .. in knowing that He has overcome the world .. for yes .. He is the HOPE of all things impossible .. and yes .. He is the restorer of dreams .. and .. the power to overcome .. haha .. and friends .. let me tell you .. there is nothing .. and I mean nothing .. that can crush us .. for simply .. all of the forces of heaven live in the heart of those .. who belong to Him .. so .. there we have it .. a royal army at our disposal .. ready to fight .. just for you .. and .. just for me .. that’s pretty big stuff .. so .. in knowing this truth .. we can believe and trust in Him .. for simply .. He is the strength we need to overcome all that crap that comes against us .. and .. it’s gonna come .. that’s life .. so .. instead of grabbing hold of something that only silences the pain .. we need to grab a hold of Him .. for .. He never meant for any of us to fight our battles alone .. I know this to be true from experience .. there have been times in my life when I have felt so low and so helpless .. that I reached for anything .. haha .. and everything to cover up the pain .. until one day .. my addiction became so apparent .. that even I saw it .. haha .. oh yes .. sweet friends .. I can personally tell you .. He will always provide a way out that simply cannot be destroyed by our struggle .. He is and always will be .. the strength we need to overcome .. He is the only power that we need to conquer all that comes against us .. He will never fail to take us through our pain .. and into .. a life of peace .. for nothing .. absolutely nothing .. is impossible for the One who paid the price to give us all .. an abundant life .. right “through” every storm that passes .. for friends .. our weaknesses .. they can’t stop our future .. and .. there is no impossible situation that can stop His purpose for our lives .. we have victory through Him .. over every obstacle that stands in our way .. for .. He has given us life .. and .. will carry us to the end .. according to His perfect plan .. and .. all we have to do .. is let Him .. haha .. bottom line .. plain and simple .. let’s do this people .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man .. and God is faithful .. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear .. but when you are tempted .. He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it”

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