My heart is full this morning for the many blessings that have filled my life over the last couple of years .. so many things .. and yes .. people around me .. making full circle .. grateful is the only word that can describe how I feel ..  haha ..  this morning my family .. our kids .. our granddaughters .. our dogs .. and yes .. Pop Bob and I are leaving for the mountains for a week .. we’re gonna curl up .. play games .. see the sites .. and yes .. just plain have some fun .. haha .. this has been a long time coming .. we haven’t taken a vacation together in .. well ..  I can’t tell you when .. I’ve been like a child in the candy store planning and getting ready for this week .. a week of time with those who are most important to me in my life .. haha .. yes friends  .. it’s been a long time coming .. I thank God for making this possible .. I thank Him for giving us those who work with us .. so that this can happen .. and yes .. more than anything I thank Him for where He has brought us today as a family .. for yes .. it wasn’t that long ago that we ..well .. haha .. mostly me .. was a total mess .. my head was in the wrong place .. my focus was not where it needed to be .. and yes .. it was a rough road to hoe .. but friends .. it’s when I really shifted that focus to Him .. allowing Him to lead me and guide me .. listening and waiting carefully for His direction .. and yes .. haha .. then heading in the that direction .. things began to change for me .. and yes  .. for us as a family .. small things .. lead to bigger things .. working and waiting .. never giving up .. staying mindful constantly of His still small voice .. the one that tells you .. “yes yes yes .. you’re doing good .. keep moving sweet child” .. haha .. friends .. the truth is .. we can never give up .. we don’t have to .. all we have to do it get our heads straight .. and yes .. simply open our minds and our hearts to Him  .. it’s an easy task .. if we let it be .. haha .. so here we go .. “angels before us .. behind us .. and yes .. all around us” ..  so looking forward to seeing what He has in store for us next .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Do not merely listen to the word .. and so deceive yourselves .. do what it says”


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