My dad passed away in 1980 as a fairly young man .. I was a young woman with an infant son of my own .. not sure what to do or which way to turn .. I kept moving .. like we all do in life when we lose someone we love .. like most of us are still doing today .. although I never got to experience a real “grown up” relationship with him .. I do hold close the memorable moments of my childhood with him .. oh yes .. there were ups and downs in our relationship .. however .. it’s with a grateful heart I hang on to the “good” ..  for yes .. the rest I left behind a long time ago .. and for that .. my heart is full .. for the truth is .. today and everyday in front of us .. we’re fortunate to have the ultimate Father of all time .. for yes .. we have God .. so no .. we’ll never be alone .. and yes .. when we think of Him .. we think of a father with all the aspects of a father .. who affirms us .. who gives us His name .. for yes .. He’s a father who’s here to provide security .. He’s a father who loves us .. and yes .. He’s a father who loves us without regard of what we did today .. haha .. for yes sweet friends .. we are blessed with a Father who is love .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“As a father shows compassion to his children .. so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear Him”





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