As Irma moves toward the coast .. her wind and rain are battering our beautiful State ..  as the day .. and yes .. days go by .. we will witness the damage she leaves in her wake .. we fervently pray for the many people who have evacuated that have no idea what they will return to .. or yes .. even when they’ll be able to return .. we fervently pray for the many still on the roads .. the many held up in shelters .. and yes .. the many who have stayed home .. we fervently pray for one another for it creates unity .. for yes .. as we pray for each other .. the very act alone builds love in our hearts for one another .. it’s a constant reminder of our desire for each others well being .. and yes .. it reminds us of the struggles they are enduring .. and yes .. the hope that we carry of benefiting them through our intercession .. yes sweet friends .. we fervently pray .. we ask God to give them strength .. courage .. and yes .. resolve to ride out this storm .. to answer their prayers .. and yes .. our prayer that they be blessed with goodness .. and yes .. be spared from harm .. for yes .. it’s out of love we fervently pray .. and yes  .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“First of all .. then .. I urge that supplications .. prayers .. intercessions .. and thanksgivings be made for all people”



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