Friends .. sometimes .. we have to downright fight for our peace .. haha .. that’s right .. think about it .. most everyday .. at some point .. negative .. hurtful .. and .. harmful thoughts .. they come our way .. all by themselves .. no .. we don’t wake up thinking .. ” gee .. I’ll have an awful day today .. I’ll dig up the most worst .. terrible .. and .. painful thing to think about” .. no .. these thoughts .. they come all by themselves .. haha .. we’ll be coasting along .. everything just fine .. doing our own thing .. when BAMM .. it hits us .. those negative thoughts are right up .. fresh in our mind .. we can’t figure out where they came from .. we thought we were past that .. oh .. but no .. it’s an old ghost who loves to haunt .. haha .. but friends .. what we must remember when those bad thoughts bombard us .. we have to fight .. that’s right .. we have to fight for our own peace of mind .. simply meaning .. we must become disciplined in our thoughts .. yes .. the bad thoughts do come on their own .. however .. the good thoughts .. must be chosen .. haha .. that old choice again .. but yes .. they have to be chosen .. selected .. embraced .. and .. pursued .. they have to be fought for .. so .. out with the bad .. in with the new .. there’s a new year upon us .. so .. moving forward .. let’s stay mindful to leave behind .. the unresolved .. the conflict .. the ungratefulness .. the divided .. the past hurts .. the disappointments .. and .. the anxieties .. for friends .. we just don’t have to think about any of these things .. no .. instead .. we turn to God and His Word .. for there .. we’ll find every tool we need to fight off the enemy .. for .. it’s a book of daily never fail instructions .. so .. out with those contaminants and dividing cares .. in with peace and thoughts that only come from Him .. for friends .. although indeed .. the battle for our mind is always going to be .. a daily fight .. we have Our God in the lead .. and .. with Him .. the battle is already won .. haha .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period
“Finally .. brothers and sisters .. whatever is true .. whatever is noble .. whatever is right .. whatever is pure .. whatever is lovely .. whatever is admirable .. if anything is excellent or praiseworthy .. think about such things”

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