“There’s a change a coming – let it start in me”
As I sit here thinking and praying as I do each morning – waiting patiently as God plants a thought seed within my heart and mind – I keep coming back to change.
As each day continues to make its changes, and yes, takes it’s twists and turns – we can know that we know that we know – no matter the change and no matter the twist or turn – we have God as our guide, for yes, He is our Savior and He is our Friend.
Oh and what better friend can we have than Jesus – the Alpha – the Omega – the Beginning and the End.  
As we celebrate this season, and yes, the birth of Jesus in this off season year – may we all stay mindful to remember, that yes. although change has come and lives are being lived differently than before – we have One thing that has and will never change – the love of Christ.
His love so strong and mighty – so gently and kind – so peaceful and knowing.  We have nothing, absolutely nothing to fear for fear is not and never will be of Him.
No sweet friends, fear is the tool of the enemy.  He uses it to use us – and no, we will not be shaken by it nor will we be moved by it – it has no room in our Inn.
So yes, as we move into this week before the birth of Jesus – we can celebrate our days, no matter the circumstance or position we may be in.  We can celebrate the freedom that we have because of His love – that love He has for each and every one of us.
And no – there is not a disease or situation that can or will take this away from us.  For we are planted like that tree that was spoken of so many years ago – strong, sturdy and made for the changing winds of time.
We are loved by love Himself.  He loves us big and He loves us strong, and yes .. love wins period.
“They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”   Jeremiah 17:8
#lovewinsperiod  #mindsetmatters  #lovelikeJesus  #forevergrateful  #kaetshome  #prayersforJonathan  #LordpleasemakeGspancreaswhole  #healingforourfamily  #unspokeprayerrequest
photo- Shelly Swanger

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